The innate wisdom of the body

11 November 2020

David Macdonald of Paragon Health Industries  noted “The difference between the diagnosis and the symptoms is similar to the disparity between general, current therapeutic practice which is disease centred, and the Paragon Health Industries health model which is patient centred.  The point of difference at Paragon Health is rather than just trying to name or work with the diagnosis, therapists should make an effort to identify and understand the causes that led to the development of the illness or injury in each individual.”

For humanity to recover and move forward into wellness and health, practitioners like David who work with practitioners and patients across the globe, are at the forefront of recognising an underlying connectivity of disease and health processes. An understanding of ….” physiology and biology and how these systems integrate with the physical dysfunction that most people present….”at ERs and DR clinics worldwide.

David says “As mentioned though, sometimes the cause isn’t apparent.  This is where the innate wisdom of the body comes into play.  Our grand design is geared towards health and survival.  If we can tap into appropriate anatomical systems, assess them for their function and health, and if we can give these systems a nudge in the right direction, where possible, your body will pick up the ball and run with it.  It is how we are genetically wired.  The skill is in learning how to ‘listen’ to the body in order to determine in which direction it’s best to nudge.”

Working with patients experiencing blood pressure and cardiac issues, tendonitis, muscle soreness, fatigue – post exercise for athletes and chronic for an increasing number of people worldwide, headaches, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or MS, memory and concentration issues, behavioural and psychological concerns, allergies and viral issues including COVID 19, David is one of an emerging army of health practitioners stepping up to facilitate the world through to recovery.

His website is an extensive resource of information to facilitate people on their wellness and healthcare journey.

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